2017...Quarter 1

Hello everyone!

As I'm sure you've noticed, I took a couple months off from blogging so that I could focus my energy on putting all of my real estate knowledge into action.  And what an action packed first quarter it has been!

Starting at the end of January, I invested in my continuing education and took a twelve week course from Buffini and company called Peak Producers.  This program is a step by step action plan to help real estate agents develop the habits, attitude and skills needed to be become a peak producing agent. I'm so thankful I got to take part in this program because as a fresh agent, barely into my fourth month, I was struggling to find my footing.  Now that I have the Peak Producers diploma hanging on my cubicle wall, I feel that I have a solid plan.  I know what I need to do on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis to be successful and to represent my clients to my highest ability.

Midway through February, I received my first big break.  I took a floor call for a potential listing. HOLY COW!  My first listing interview!  The two days beforehand, I was a nervous wreck, I prepped the best I could but when you're new, you never know how deep to go.   Fast forward to presentation day and I did it, and it wasn't pretty.  But bless her heart, the seller hired me.  For thirty whole days, I worked by butt off.  Here is the sign I put in the front yard... I did have my personalized signs yet.
Listing Sign
30 days felt like a lifetime but one Friday night, we got an offer and now we're in the final stretch.  I was finally able to purchase my personalized signs, this was an exciting day.  I feel more and more like a real estate agent with each step or milestone.  My first listing was a big one for me.  
My personalized sign
Another milestone that happened this quarter was writing my first purchase and sale agreement for one of my buyers.  My client and I had made a plan to tour homes on a gloomy Sunday afternoon and low and behold, we found "the one".  An adorable two bed, two bath, ground floor condo with peach colored walls that make me laugh each time I see them.  I'm so excited to be a part of this chapter of my clients life.  Helping her buy her first home has been so fun and huge affirmation that I made the right call to become a real estate agent.


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