Goodbye 2017... Welcome 2018

Its just a few hours before midnight and instead of any having celebration plans to ring in the new year, I'm home, taking down all my Christmas decor. As I was removing ornaments from the tree, I found myself drifting back to the events of the year. In all honesty, all of 2017 was important to me. It was full of new experiences, gratifying triumph, and oh so much learning. At its core, my profession is helping people buy and sell real estate but each one of my clients I helped in 2017 brought with more then just the need to buy or sell. I was blessed to have known each of my clients prior to staring my real estate career, so when each one of the transactions closed I was doubly excited for each of them. Three sellers and 5 buyers. But each one was so much more then that. I helped empty-nesters downsize, a family relocate from out of state, and several start their chapter of home-ownership for the ...